Dear Fellow Food Blogger – Never Quit!!

UPDATE – I heard from my friend at Cottage Grove House (formally Tiny White Cottage) and she’s going to return to blogging this summer.  As I mentioned, life just got in her way, but she’ll be back.  HURRAH !!!

Like any writer, the working life of a food blogger can be a lonely calling.  Especially for someone like me, who no longer has a family to feed. Of course, my friends and neighbors are always thrilled to accept a dessert, a casserole or some baked goods which I am unable to consume myself.  BUT – it’s always possible to host a party so your friends and family can enjoy the fruits of your labor!  And that, as will not surprise you, is my first choice!!

But, as I sometimes say, “Life gets in the way” and, as I just discovered, some of my very favorite food bloggers… people I’d come to think of as friends… no longer have the time, or inclination, to blog.

How I miss them.. How I miss being a part of their lives.  And how I miss their observations about life… and news of their lives.  We’d come to know each other. Some as they prepared for their own weddings – others as they prepared for their children’s weddings. Each and every blog was/is unique.  And, like any good friend, I want to know that they’re happy – that they’re alright.  Sure, I miss the recipes, which is, in theory, a recipe blog’s main purpose.  But more than that…. so much more than that… I miss the friendship and the sharing.

So – fellow food blogger… don’t ever think no one cares.  Never think that you and your blog will not be missed. Because that’s not true.  You may feel as if you’re throwing your most recent post out into the Big Void… that no one cares.  But you have no idea… even if you only reach a handful of people … what your blog and you sharing your life… both the good and the bad… means to others.

I just love these Matryoshka dolls (Nesting Dolls) from Russia!  They’re a bit like your grandmother saying, “Never quit”!!  

Russian Nesting Dolls

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My Yellow Farmhouse - Cooking with Love!

Sure, it's necessary to eat to survive - but that's not any fun!! The fun comes from cooking, serving and eating with lots of love, I began this blog to share some of the delicious recipes I've gathered over the years. Thanks for dropping by & sharing the love!

24 thoughts on “Dear Fellow Food Blogger – Never Quit!!

  1. Oh please all you food bloggers don’t quit! I am not a good cook, but I can copy an easy recipe and I find the food bloggers know how to write the directions that are easy to follow. My husband would have to eat out every night if there were no food bloggers.


    1. Hi There – I just found your comments in my SPAM folder… sorry about that! I sure hope you’ve been able to find something you’d like to make here at My Yellow Farmhouse. I did see that you were planning to make the Cheesecake Bars – did you get a chance to make them? If so, let me know if you have any comments/suggestions. ; o )


  2. I know how you feel Cecile, I have so many blogging friends who have stopped blogging. Some do a last post to explain but some just stop. You just hope that their life is so full of good things that they don’t have time to blog but unfortunately I don’t think that is always the case.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right. I heard from one of my blogger friends, after I posted on her blog saying I’d missed her, that she’d had some ill health and some family matters to deal with but planned to be back soon.
      I know you feel as I do & that our fellow bloggers become very dear to us – and they have no idea how much they’re missed.

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  3. Such a wonderful, uplifting post, I get sad when I go into a blog to find the latest post is a year ago or even more. I do not like it when bloggers abandon their blogs and I do not know why I feel sad about that!! even if I have no previous relation with the blogger, but as you say life gets in the way and sometimes we get busy. Thanks for the beautiful post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for taking the time to share your feelings. I, too, feel sad when I see that the last post was a while ago. It’s a connection that I’d grown used and miss when a food blogger has to give up blogging.
      Hopefully many of them will ‘come back’ once the things going on in their lives change. I know, when my husband was ill for years, that I wouldn’t have had any time to blog. Heck, I used to eat standing up next to the sink… I didn’t even have time to sit down sometimes!!


  4. How encouraging Cecile! Thank you so much for your kindness. I’m really looking forward to getting back in the loop and honestly I really have missed all my friends. I just noticed I am not following you! I will make sure to keep in touch. 🙂


  5. What a great post! It’s funny how connected we all are. I haven’t quit yet, but I’ve slowed down a lot. I only have one person in my household, and he doesn’t always eat what I prepare for the blog. And when my family visits, I’m not inclined to bug them and photograph them and so forth. The other reason is that I have a little 19 month old crazy grand daughter, and either she’s here or I’m visiting her. Blogging really is work – it’s a job. Fortunately, we have no bosses, either, and we all love and are passionate about what we do. And it’s fascinating that we know when people have dropped off of the www. I personally don’t love reading people’s apologies about “not blogging for 3 months” or whatever because I don’t think it’s necessary to explain. Life is wonderful – most of the time – and it must be dealt with. Thank god there are no blogging police!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yup – I know what you mean. I’ve lived alone since my husband died and I don’t really enjoy cooking for myself. And, blogging IS a lot of work! I recently started on a thyroid medication & I’ve got a lot more energy now, which is great. But, once summer hits, there’s a lot of things I want to do, so it’ll be harder to be so good about blogging. Congratulations on your granddaughter – I’m sure she’s adorable!! (And I won’t bother apologizing when I’ve ‘been away’ from my blog for a while!) ; o )

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    1. I agree – I took a break, pretty much, all last summer! I sure hope the bloggers I miss are just taking a break and that they’ll be coming back soon. ; o )


  6. This is a lovely, heartfelt post. I’ve felt similarly with bloggers I know taking breaks, they come to be part of everyday life. On the other side now, I really understand, sometimes just doing the everyday is all I can manage let alone documenting it. I will be back but for now progress is simply have time to visit and comment on blogs. But with your words of encouragement you may find other of your blogger friends will be too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As they say, “Been There, Done That”. I, pretty much, didn’t blog all last summer – as the title of this post shows ‘The Summer of Cecile’ – Gardening, Traveling and Just Kicking Back’ !! ; o )

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  7. Hi Cecile, As you already know I’m not a blogger but if I was this would encourage me to get back to doing it again. I know your probably thinking, I can start now but I don’t even get on FB much these days. Any way I just wanted to say that I was blessed by your sharing your thoughts from your heart. And although I don’t blog, I do check out your recipes from time to time. You are a sweet person, Cecile and I am glad I know you! Laurie


    1. Hi Laurie. Thanks so much for reading this post – and for taking the time to send me a message. It means a lot to me!
      I’m so envious of people who post often – very often. I don’t know how they do it. But I am determined to try to post more than once a week. Of course, that’s easy for me to say as I sit here right now with a broken ankle. But once I ‘get back into it’, as I say, “Life often gets in the way”! ; o )


    2. Oops – also wanted to thank you so much for saying I’m a sweet person etc. ; o )
      Are you planning to be here for our reunion.
      I refuse to mention how many years it’ll be here on my blog… or people will think I’ll soon be heading into a ‘retirement home’ – LOL!


      1. At this point in time I am planning on going to the reunion. That’s about the only reason I head north for. I was sorry to hear about your broken ankle, I’ve been there and at the time my car was a stick shift so I couldn’t use my car at all. This was before I was married so no one to depend on but myself, it sure made life challenging. Sounds like you got everything under control with your scooter! There are days when I think a retirement home isn’t such a bad idea — no more cutting the lawn! Time for me to get some sleep, perhaps I’ll blog to you once in a while so you know I am least reading your recipes. Take care and hope you be back on both feet real soon. Laurie


        1. Yup – I know how you feel about being alone… with a broken ankle. Luckily I have my neighbors, friends and my family, so I’ve got help when I need it! ; o )


  8. As always, you’re so sweet. I’m heartbroken that a few of the bloggers I started out with aren’t blogging right now. Wouldn’t it be nice if they saw this post and started blogging once again?!


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