I’m Loving My “New” Kitchen!!!

I’ve lived here in my old (1888) “yellow farmhouse” for eight years now, which is a long time for me. We used to move A LOT!!  I was rather fond of saying, “I don’t wash windows, we just move!”

During the time we lived in the European country of Malta (again, for eight years) we also owned a farm in Quebec, Canada. But I used to nag my husband that I wanted a house in the States – in Massachusetts near our families – where we could stay when we visited the U.S.  He’d always say, “Wait ’til we move back”.

So that’s exactly what we did. In fact, we were out looking for a house in Massachusetts almost immediately after our return to the States. We looked at one home and then happened to drive by a yellow farmhouse with a For Sale sign on the front lawn.  It was love at first sight once I spied that farmhouse, perched on a small hill, with it’s lovely big porch, .

In fact, that’s exactly the way we had found our farmhouse (and the 132 acres it came with) in St. Antoine de Tilly, Quebec, Canada.  We were just driving by.  Who says that some things ‘aren’t meant to be’?

Our farmhouse - St. Antoine de Tilly, QuebecOur beloved farmhouse in St. Antoine de Tilly, Quebec (Canada) which I sold several years ago.

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I’ve done a ton of work, both inside and out, on my old yellow farmhouse here in Massachusetts over the past eight years. Yet, there’s always something to be done, fixed, repaired, replaced or painted.

Summer 2012 - My Yellow Farmhouse. comMy Yellow Farmhouse – Summer 2013

Although I loved the kitchen the way it was, I felt it was time for a change. And, I gotta say, the make-over really makes my heart happy!!

My kitchen then…

Kitchen - before

My kitchen now..

new kitchen

My kitchen then…. 

Old kitchen

My kitchen now…..

new kitchen

I’m so very pleased with how these shelves turned out. I just bought two boards and six supports – and voila – a place to display some of things we collected on our travels. I was aiming for the look of a kitchen from Provence, France and this shelf really gives it a country-French country.

USE - Kitchen - shelf and shutter with utensils.jpg

Provence - sunflowers




I was lucky enough to find the exact fabric I wanted from a website here in the States which sells fabric from Provence!




Here’s a great idea for having your utensils readily available. I was going to paint one of the old shutters I have out in the barn… but I found this at a discount store – all ready to go !!

USE - Kitchen - shelf and shutter with utensils.jpg (2)

Most of these cooking utensils were my mother’s. Such great memories!!